D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths

This book is a wonderful introduction to Greek mythology! Every well known character in Greek mythology, along with lots of not so well known ones, is identified and described in an easily understandable way. Along with the character explanations, the book includes the amazing myths that the characters appear in. I was surprised at how smoothly one story or character transitions to another, making the entire book seem like one big story. Along with engaging stories, the pages are illuminated by beautiful illustrations depicting scenes from the accompanying story. I would not introduce this book to students below 4th grade, but all grades 4th and up could benefit from the book. I would select particular stories to read aloud to the class or in literacy circles. I also would select individual stories from the book and make copies for students to read in guided reading groups. I would use this book when my class is learning about fiction and myths. It would be a great resource to help students understand elements in fiction and in myths, and the purposes of myths.